November 20, 2024
This brief discusses issues experienced by male sexual minority DV survivors, such as higher rates of arrests, restraining orders, and self- defense.
The brief also discusses the unique fears LGBTQIA2S+ DV survivors may have about losing child custody because of one’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
You can give this brief to the trial court to support your request for sole legal and physical custody.
Supporting resources include instructions on how to fill out the brief and a letter that discusses these same issues that you can give to the mediator, evaluator, or recommending counselor in your case.
Main Resource
Supporting Resource(s)
- Brief in Support of Custody/Visitation for Female Sexual Minorities
- Brief in Support of Custody/Visitation for Gender Minorities
- Letter in Support of Custody/Visitation for Female Sexual Minorities
- Letter in Support of Custody/Visitation for Gender Minorities
- Letter in Support of Custody/Visitation for Male Sexual Minorities
Specific Groups & Abilities,
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