Video Training: Responding To Subpoenas

January 1, 2018

A subpoena is a written document that requests the attendance of a person to testify at a deposition, hearing, or trial and/or the production of documents, including business records.  This training answers many important questions about subpoenas, including whether a subpoena is a court order, and what domestic violence agencies should do to be prepared in case a subpoena is ever issued asking for information about a domestic violence survivor.  It also provides a complete step-by-step guide on how to respond if you have been subpoenaed as a third-party witness to a case.

Registration and Payment

All videos are free for survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner abuse and the people who support them; California nonprofit / legal aid employees; private attorneys currently representing a survivor of domestic violence pro bono in California; members of the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence; and members of Legal Aid Association of California. All others (including private attorneys), please pay before viewing. $35 per video. Click here to pay. In the comments section, please include the name(s) of the training(s) you are paying for. (Payment for training does not count as a tax-deductible donation.)


FVAP Legal Director Nancy Lemon, Esq.

MCLE Credit

To receive .75 hours of MCLE credit for watching this webinar, please download and complete the above Evaluation Form, then email it to (Be sure to download the form and save it to your device before entering your information.) Available for CA attorneys only. By submitting this form you are certifying that you viewed the entire presentation, and are electronically signing an attendance record.

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