Lynda Smallenberger is the Executive Director of Kene Me-Wu Family Healing Center, a Native American domestic violence/sexual assault program originally created by the Tuolumne Band of Miwuks in 1997. Utilized her substance abuse counseling and domestic violence/sexual assault counseling skills when assisting Native women as they change their lives. She has been a member of the Blue Shield Advisory Committee, a board member of the state coalition “California Partnership to End Domestic Violence”; and the California Tribal Coalition “For Our Future”. While on the Tribal coalition she was able to travel to many tribal domestic violence programs throughout the United States and New Zealand; learning and listening to what works, and what is still needed.
She currently sits on the California Domestic Violence Advisory Council, (DVAC), appointed to by Governor Schwarzenegger in 2010 and reappointed by Governor Brown in 2015. She is a member of the Judicial Council of California Administrative Office of the Courts on the Violence Against Women Educational Program. Lynda created a Tribal Advocate Training Curriculum, which is utilized for the 40-hour DV trainings. Her work has led her to believe that, that together we can end violence for all future generations.