Join the movement to end domestic violence. Family Violence Appellate Project is dedicated to representing domestic violence survivors in civil legal appeals cases for free.
Pro-Bono Opportunities for Attorneys
We need your help! We cannot take cases without the volunteer support of pro bono attorneys. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of domestic violence law. You supply the energy, we supply the expertise. Opportunities are numerous and allow pro bono attorneys to engage in limited and defined projects with a clear timeline and few out-of-pocket costs:
Appeal analysis
Co-counseling appeals
Moot court
Case publication
Amicus briefs
Legal research and writing
All of our pro bono attorneys receive a comprehensive training manual covering the basics of domestic violence and family law and California appellate procedure and access to FVAP’s legal resource and social science libraries. FVAP attorneys who are subject matter experts co-counsel with pro bono attorneys and are are always available to answer questions and provide support.
In addition to the above, attorneys are welcome to volunteer for FVAP’s non-legal volunteer needs.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, please contact us at We would be happy to add you to our panel of pro bono volunteers. When suitable pro bono projects arise, FVAP circulates announcements to the pro bono panel. Thank you for your interest in FVAP!
Non-Legal Volunteer Opportunities
Administrative assistance with cases
Volunteer at Battle of the Bands
Photographers and Videographers
Data Entry
Donor Stewardship
Learn more about student involvement at FVAP
Student Interns may participate at FVAP:
- As a spring, summer, or fall intern.
- And if your school allows, intern for academic credit.