We’ve reached a new victory for abuse survivors seeking a domestic violence restraining order on the basis of a violated temporary restraining order. In this case, the Court of Appeal overturned the trial court’s denial of the domestic violence restraining order request. In doing so, the Court of Appeal ruled that a violation of a temporary restraining order constitutes abuse under Family Code section 6203(a)(4). The Court of Appeal also held that the conduct underlying the violations constituted abuse under Family Code section 6320. We hope that this will make getting a long-term restraining order easier for the many abuse survivors who need it.
Legal Victory for Immigrant Survivors and Non-English Speakers
We’re happy to share that in a recent published opinion, SY v. Superior Court, 29 Cal. App 5th 324 (2018), English language fluency can no longer be used as a reason to grant custody. While we do disagree with the portion of this ruling that still granted joint custody to S.Y.’s abuser, this court ruling is an important win for non-English speakers and immigrant survivors of domestic violence, who face discrimination based on their English language fluency.
New Free Trainings on Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Now Available!
We are excited to announce that after collaborating with Pro Bono Training Institute on a year-long project to include training modules on Domestic Violence Restraining Order Requests (DVROs) on their website, the modules are now up!
Legal Victory! All counties in California are required to provide court reporters to low-income litigants who request one, free of charge
After more than 3 years, Jameson v. Desta (Case No. S230899, July 5, 2018) has been decided by the California Supreme Court, in favor of the party FVAP (joined by 30 DV and family law organizations and individuals) supported as friend-of-the-court. It struck down San Diego’s policy that eliminated court reporters from civil cases because the policy contained no exception for low-income people who had received fee waivers.Read More
2 New Trainings: 2017 DV Case Law; Parentage & the DVPA
FVAP has just posted two new trainings on our website. One is a training given every year by FVAP’s Legal Director, Nancy Lemon, covering 2017 California state and federal appellate decisions involving DV. The other is a training by National Center for Lesbian Rights Staff Attorney, Ming Wong, and FVAP’s Legal Fellow, Cory Hernandez, on parentage, the Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA), and custody and visitation. These two new trainings join a growing list of available recordings FVAP is providing for DV survivors and those who serve them, so check them out!
Introducing FVAP’s Housing & Employment Justice Project
On April 19, FVAP will be introducing our new Housing & Employment Justice Project to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Victim Services Division. Social workers, victims’ rights advocates and domestic violence counselors are invited to join FVAP Housing & Employment Justice Attorney Jason Hoge 3:00-4:00 p.m. for this presentation at 850 Bryant St. in San Francisco.
More about this project: Read More