FVAP has just posted two new trainings on our website. One is a training given every year by FVAP’s Legal Director, Nancy Lemon, covering 2017 California state and federal appellate decisions involving DV. The other is a training by National Center for Lesbian Rights Staff Attorney, Ming Wong, and FVAP’s Legal Fellow, Cory Hernandez, on parentage, the Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA), and custody and visitation. These two new trainings join a growing list of available recordings FVAP is providing for DV survivors and those who serve them, so check them out!
Introducing FVAP’s Housing & Employment Justice Project
On April 19, FVAP will be introducing our new Housing & Employment Justice Project to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Victim Services Division. Social workers, victims’ rights advocates and domestic violence counselors are invited to join FVAP Housing & Employment Justice Attorney Jason Hoge 3:00-4:00 p.m. for this presentation at 850 Bryant St. in San Francisco.
More about this project: Read More
Training with Hon. Judge Edwards: April 11 in San Jose
FVAP attorney Anya Emerson and Hon. Judge Leonard Edwards (retired) will present a training in San Jose on April 11 to Dependency attorneys of Santa Clara County, “Domestic Violence in Dependency Court: What Attorneys & Judges Should Know.” This popular training will be presented 12:00-1:30 p.m. at 201 N. First Street in San Jose.
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State Bar Webinar 4/26, with Hon. Judge Juhas : Recent Landmark Family Law Decisions involving Domestic Violence
Join FVAP Senior Attorney Shuray Ghorishi and the Hon. Judge Mark A. Juhas on April 26, from 12:00-1:00 p.m., for the webinar “Monthly Appellate Review: Recent Landmark Family Law Decisions Involving Domestic Violence.”
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San Francisco March 24 Training: Domestic Violence in Dependency Cases
Join us this Saturday, March 24, 1:40 – 2:40 p.m. at San Francisco Bayfront Hilton Hotel Conference Center for a training we’re giving at California Appellate Defense Council Annual Conference & Seminar. “Domestic Violence in Dependency Cases: Case Law and Best Practices” will be presented by FVAP Staff Attorney Anya Emerson and Hon. Leonard Edwards (ret.) MCLE credit will be issued by CADC.
Register: cadc.net/registration
Please note: The time of this training has been updated, above.
Along with substance abuse and mental illness, domestic violence is one of the most prevalent factors bringing families into the dependency system. As legal practitioners, we must be prepared to address these issues in the appellate context. Attendees will learn about the dynamics of domestic violence, key appellate case law relating to domestic violence issues at various stages of the dependency proceedings, and best practices when representing survivors of domestic violence in a dependency appeal.
Spring Traveling Training Series: FVAP to train all Cal OES-funded DV agencies on Confidentiality & Mandated Reporting
FVAP attorneys will lead all-day trainings in 5 CA cities starting March 27 as part of Cal OES mandatory annual training series, sponsored by the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence. This traveling training series will review important legal issues surrounding confidentiality and mandated reporting, and is mandatory and free for all CA agencies and organizations that receive Domestic Violence Assistance funding (DV) from Cal OES (the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services). Read More